Faith, Family and Friends

Sometimes something old hits you again, but with more force, as if to impress within you ever deeper than before, of its truth and significance. The month of December, as it leads up to Christmas, is full of reminders of gifts and giving, but what do you think are some of the most important Blessings we can enjoy, not only in December but year after year?


These three ‘F’s go together in my mind, and they are linked unlike any others which might run round my brain at any given time. Sometimes I need a reminder of their importance amidst the hustle and bustle of December when we get busy, and can temporarily leave some other good thoughts behind. I am blessed among many to have such a good trust and Faith in God, my Family, Friends in general, and a ‘Friend of Friends’, all of whom make me feel loved, needed and special.


This is a simple thought, and I know I am not alone in having these three ‘F’s in my life, but I am thankful for them not only in December, but always. They say all good things come to an end, but that is only partly true. As I come to the end of another great holiday in Texas, I can’t believe how fast the time has gone, but I feel thankful that I can travel to be with them. On top of that are my old and new friends at Arlington First Nazarene, where worship is felt and the Word is preached with power. Everyone has played a part in making my stay memorable. But the cement that binds us all together is the common Faith in the saving grace of God. In the words of the Bill Gaither song: “I’m so glad I’m a part of the Family of God”.